About Aceh

A journal served as a reflection after field work in Aceh

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

outcomes of a method

Entry point in Disaster zone

I had a realization that the result of what I have done in Banda Aceh looking at what the aid agency does is only resulting the quality measure and 'end result' of their paradigm and application in the disaster zone. Now i realize their need (IDP) is the cause of products and services, i.e. the need of water resulting a collapsible water container, the need of transporting medical aid resulting the logistical services.

if I would have focus stronger on community, not what the agency is doing with the community, the result could have been different. in the beginning when I did not know anyone, I tried to be attach to agency so I could interact with their 'field' and peers. I could have enter the community myself, if I confront my own fear. However, if I did it and try to establish community project, I dont think my programme could compete with the Cash-influenced and per diem for the participant kind of program.

Would this means money should not be given to the community in the event of disaster?


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