About Aceh

A journal served as a reflection after field work in Aceh

Monday, May 29, 2006



The real danger of a disaster is not the disaster itself, but what would develop because of it. The responses of the NGO is so immediate that outbreak of disease does not stand a chance. I have heard stories of flies are just everywhere in the beginning, these bugs are on the food, on the corpse, around the people. “Saya rasa karena NGO, tidak satupun orang kampung kami yang sakit sewaktu Tsunami.” I think it is because of the NGO, that none of the people in our village fall sick after Tsunami. Even though this disaster happens on a massive scale, it has not developed any epidemic disease, although there’s actually plenty of medical condition resulted from swallowing Tsunami water.

In terms of support in health, Aceh can be said to be on abundance. Helping hands are many. Medical service includes immediate attention on medicine, surgery, injection, and transportation to a better equipped facility (ambulance, flying doctors, etc)

Antoher focus in health includes sanitation, the provision of clean water. The NGOs has a few ways of going around about this. The water is either processed on site or brought over from a processing site. The water that is processed on site has a few kinds of filters and usually use a reverse osmosis technology to prepare raw water to be drinkable. A lot of Tsunami hit area left nothing but the mosque. Most of the water purifying system is installed on the mosque. A few reasons why the installation took place in the mosque:
• Most of the water infrastructure (the piping) remains, it provides water to be worked with for an on site water processing facility.
• Muslim religious activities involve a lot of cleaning with water. The have to wash their feet, hand, and face before they pray. They are obliged to pray 5 times a day. It is very easy to relate mosque with the place where you can get water.
• Mosque also served as a place for social interaction. It is a public place.

This clean water is supplied by water trucks which go around once in a few days to fill up water tanks. There is a few kinds of this tanks, a fiber glass tank, usually holds 1000liter, a yellow inflatable vinyl tank, or a steel corrugated drum. This source of water is connected to a multitap that allows many people (usually up to 6) to collect water in a jerry can, mineral water gallons, foldable jerry can (from the NGO), or jerrycan with tap (also from the NGO).

More about sanitation:
Cleaning and washing will be discussed on a separate blog.


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