About Aceh

A journal served as a reflection after field work in Aceh

Saturday, May 27, 2006



We forgot how easy it is to be able to read in the night, to feel the drizzle of the shower on our hair flowing down to our skin, to be able to use our mobile phone, to listen to music from our ipod, to travel with our car. This experience is brought to us because we have electric, we have gasoline, we have diesel, because we have the source of energy continuously flowing on the background. What happen when all of those is suddenly gone ?

Your mobile phone that still have $30 credit on it, but has a totally flat battery. The ipod that you listen to started to blink, the battery is on the critical point. Your laptop has backup battery that will give you another 3 hours. Your car has half a tank of gasoline and you know the most you can go is another 3 days with it. What can you do when you can’t refill thosse energy you need?

Without it. It will be hard to communicate, it will be hard to visit our uncle, we have to write mail but how will it be delivered? Or maybe the question is who if bicycle is the only option left? We will go back to telling gathering, telling stories, make jokes coz our ipod is dead. What about MSN, yahoomail, and friendster…? Ow… yeah. Today is the last day, this is the spare battery of the laptop.

Kerosene is widely used in Aceh as a source of fuel for stove, for general household cooking, for hawkers who sell food on their cart. Diesel is used by to run generators to produce electrics for factory and widely used in the area where electrical infrastructure has not been able to reach them because it is a remote area far from city. Diesel and gasoline runs combustion engines like car, buses, and motorcycle. This energy makes our daily activities possible.

Without it. It will be hard to communicate, it will be hard to visit our uncle, we have to write mail but how will it be delivered? Or maybe the question is who if bicycle is the only option left? We will go back to telling gathering, telling stories, make jokes coz our ipod is dead. What about MSN, yahoomail, and friendster…? Ow… yeah. Today is the last day, this is the spare battery of the laptop.

Scarcity of energy in Aceh was serious. Queing for whole day was not the issue anymore, will there be kerosene to cook dinner tonight? What about breakfast tomorrow? This is one of the thing that we don’t realize it is valuable until its gone.


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