About Aceh

A journal served as a reflection after field work in Aceh

Thursday, June 08, 2006

GRC recap

GRC recap
comments copied from 'ek beedi' as a reference

Thank you Vendy, That was a very good presentation at the GRC.Your panel was: SV, MD, MW, Cameron Tonkinwise. A few things came up in your presentation (not in this order!)

1. You have a good Photo essay. You can improve the quality of your photoessay.
I agree that it is definitely need work and lots of improvement. This photo essay wasn't finished. It was a snippets that I picked intuitively of what stood out during the fieldwork in Aceh.
However, the photoessay is a basic of what later could become a navigable website which include videoclips, still images, and texts ...(could I include this as a DVR thing?)

2. Would you like to go "under cover" and do the next phase of the building project?

Contigencies factor
I think this option will likely to occur although this choice is dependent of a few contingencies. The company that I volunteered for is currently still waiting for the news of the tender. If they are continuing the work in Aceh's reconstruction, I could function again in that company. This dependent situation render about the tender of reconstruction in Aceh. It has also become an intricate situation with plenty of delays and shedule pushback. Since the panel keep the right to alter and adjust the package of what is being tendered about, the participant is mostly anxious and uncertain of what the tender result will be. Current 'flexibility' in the administration of construction seems to make the matter more complicated that it already is.

Issue of management
Dispite this discrepancy, it is still a good option for me to go back to Aceh. and this time, it would be official for me to have a double role. As a construction volunteer and as a researcher in Design. I am mainly concern about 'how...'. The last trip I took the job, it occupy me for 16 hours a day. I wonder 'how' I could manage the job and the role as a researcher.

Issue of topic
what will be my goal as an undercover?
1. I would like to compile an outcome for my Masters in primary, this means GRC and DVR.
2. Seek out Opportunity for my career will be just as important.

what would I like to know?

what kind of things I would focus on?

3. Do you want to go and do the "classical" approach of Industrial Designer intervening in a 'developing country' and in a 'disaster area' (SC's honors project)

Yeah, this option is desirable. I would like contribute and produce something.
1. I have discussed in GRC about the circumstances due to current system that makes it a challanges to do a participatory-type community based project. Personally I would set this aside although current 'trend' of community based project does flourished everywhere in Aceh, since it seems to give rights to participate and to determine their future unlike previous Acehnese conflict status.

2. Nonetheless, the involvement in intervention could be done in a non-community based things such as decision making in planning, influential reference such as a manuals (this can be the RRR, design,...)

3. Producing something elsewhere than Aceh to be used in Aceh, or usefull disaster elsewhere. This option arise since one of the Indonesian NGO, Dian Desa has been accomodative towards my research in Aceh. They are based in Java, and they have a lab in Yogyakarta. I was offered to join the response team when the Java landslide occured in early June.

Paralel to this option, I could produce prototype and propose this to NGO as a benefactor of the project.

4. Do you want to take up 'shelter' and 'architecture' as you area - and will this eman that you are offering a view that is counter to 'Architects without frontiers'. Would you like to meet the AWF people?
This will be very interesting, furthermore it suits the condition of Aceh. There are many models of architecture policy and reconstruction that occurs in Aceh right now. Right now, I would say that Aceh is at the' impact' of reconstruction. It has happened and it is still happening. There are many aspects to this politics of building and aidworks. This frontier will take in views from both side while presenting which 'way' has integrate well and which 'way' hasn't, at the same time perhaps proposing a counter 'way'.

5. Will you make a "Manual" for intervention? Like the RRR manuals for disaster relief.
Manual in a RRR in general seems like a broad topic, maybe I could try RRR manual in design.
I'm not sure what will this manual cover. I am aware that organization such as Red Cross utilizes Sphere as a manual to provide products and services needed in disaster.

6. What are you going to do now and where are you going to end up?
A lot of the information that I have need further research. While the biggest changes occured is within me, not just because I have a better sense of what is going on inside the process of reconstruction, but I think this changes has internalize as a way of seeing, thinking and doing.
the option is:
1. Go back to Aceh, and do one of the above choices.
2. Go to other disaster area, and apply what I have learned from my previous field work.

while producing soemthing for the Masters is important, I also would use this Masters project to find my career

Let us meet and if you would like it I can ask SC and LF to participate in a brian storming of options. And then we can do a bit of scenario thinking upon the options. And see how you go ahead.At this stage the fact that you have done the field work is quite awesome. Good on you Vendy.

Ouspensky, 5:00 PM link 1 comments


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