About Aceh

A journal served as a reflection after field work in Aceh

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


On the MTU

Thinking back on the effort of the Swiss Contact that brings practical skills training to the Tsunami victim, there's a few important points that had been raised here.

1. The type of education that is brought to public is tailored to the condition.
The urgency of reconstruction, the need of now, requires a lot of people who are able to help and to participate, to have those skill to be part of some reconstruction team
2. It package education in a nice way - a truck form, which in turn suited more to the kind of training they provide

3. Most Important - they brought education to public. It comes to you rather than you goes to it.


  • At 6:08 AM, Blogger Soumitri Varadarajan said…

    Here you go Vendy. Can you answer these questions with anecdotes and stories pl. Each answer can be a separate post.

    ( This is 10 + 10 questions) I dont have an invitation to your blog so have to post here and not as a post.

    1. You have pics of the destruction and devastation in Aceh. Can you tell me about it.
    2. Tell me about the 'foundations'
    3. Talk about the displaced; houses and ships.
    4. What were your feelings when you first landed in Aceh.
    5. What was your interaction with the NGOs. What kinds of NGOS were there, what were they doing.
    6. in the other blog answer these questions:
    a. What did you see in the exhibition of the NGOS 1 yr after.
    b. How did that money system work - for building your own house.
    c. what can you tell us about the relief efforts
    d. Talk about how situation of (problem of and how it had been/ was being solved): water, energy, transport, shelter, income/ jobs, medical/ health, food, sanitation.
    e. What was the governance situation: administration, law and order, property etc....

  • At 6:08 AM, Blogger Soumitri Varadarajan said…

    Pl put pics in each post.

  • At 6:12 AM, Blogger Soumitri Varadarajan said…

    In your links panel to this blog:
    1. Add links to other blogs on Aceh. Go to blog search in the dashboard and say "aceh".
    2. Add links to "architects without frontiers.
    3. Add links to all the aid/ donor agencies you encountered in aceh.
    4. Make links to a host of other reconstruction/ tsunaami sites.


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